Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) is an important opportunistic infection in HIV-intracted patients and other immune system disorders. Diagnosis of PCP remains a challenge because the clinical symptoms, reutine laboratory and rediological examinations are not typical. The proven diagnosis must be performed by finding P. Jiroved in histopathologic preparations with conventional or immunocytochemical …
Regular visit to doctor for asthma controling manegement is an important process to observe the development of athma therapy and symptomps improvement in every patient. Regular visit maneged every 1-6 monthhs based on asthma severity. For those who were not capable of conducting regular vsit to asthama clinic in Persahabatan Hospital, we need to identify their reason, recent condition, therapy,…
Public warning from BPOM RI 2009 indicated that some equipment plastic cup, plastic electrical kettle and melamine plate was not eligible. To understanding acute toxicity that equipment, we done acute toxicity test of water soaked within plastic cup, plastic electrical kettle, and melamine plate to Hap G2 cell and lympocyte cell. These experiments aimed at getting LD50/IC50 that toxicity of wa…
Air merupakan komponen penting dalam kehidupan, semua jenis makhluk hidup memerlukan air untuk kelangsungan hidupnya. Untuk kepentingan manusia, air tidak saja digunakan untuk minum, masak dan cuci, tetapi juga untuk keperluan agrikultur, industri, transportasi, perikanan dan pembuangan limbah cair domestik dan industri. Dalam bidang kesehatan, beberapa jenis penyakit melibatkan media air dal…
pH saliva bergantung pada perbandingan antara asam dan basa konjugatnya. Derajat asam dan kapasitas buffer terutama diduga disebabkan oleh jumlah bikarbonat, yang dipengaruhi oleh kecepatan sekresi. Derajat keasaman dan kepasitas buffer saliva depengaruhi, antara lain oleh irama sirkadian, diet, dan perangsangan kecepatan reaksi. Sebagai anti-bakteri triclosan 0.3% menghambat pembentukan volati…
Using of multiple drug therapy could cause interaction. Based on the study of Curcuma xanthoryza,which it contains curcumin that it could inhibit cytochrom P-450 CYP1A 1, CYP1A2 and CYP4A It is used as herbal medicine which is safe to be used for anti inflammation. This research is aimed at finding the effect of the herbal on AUC and Cmax ibuprofen on male mice, where the both compound are meta…
An operationale-scale trial of Cyfluthrin a new pyrethroid insecticide for malaria control in Adonar island, EastFlores, East Nusatenggara have been conducted in 1996, Two formulations, i.e Cyfluthrin 10 WP was used for indoor residual spraying in East Adonara and Cyfluthrin 50 EW was used for bednets impregnation in West Adonara. Both formulation were applied at a target dosage of 0,050 g acti…
Mosquito is one of househol insect which could sparays some. Many species of mosquitoes but only 22 species which reported as a vector, such as Aedes aegypti. An. Aconitus, An maculatus. An balabacensis, An barbirostris, An sundaicus, Mansonia uniformis. Mansonis dives, Culex quinguefasciatus. Eventhough we have many ways to control mosquitoes but there is still a problem in our country. To so…