An operationale-scale trial of Cyfluthrin a new pyrethroid insecticide for malaria control in Adonar island, EastFlores, East Nusatenggara have been conducted in 1996, Two formulations, i.e Cyfluthrin 10 WP was used for indoor residual spraying in East Adonara and Cyfluthrin 50 EW was used for bednets impregnation in West Adonara. Both formulation were applied at a target dosage of 0,050 g acti…
An Efficacy assessment of insecticides impregnated bed nets PermaNet “Vestegard Fransen” effectiveness was conducted in some villages of the malaria endemic areas around the Bukit Manoreh (Magelang, Purworejo and Kulonprogo Regency). The nsectiside impregnated bed nets PermaNet “vestegarted-Frandsen” were distributed on May 2003 and to be evaluated on February 2004. The efficacy assessm…