An operationale-scale trial of Cyfluthrin a new pyrethroid insecticide for malaria control in Adonar island, EastFlores, East Nusatenggara have been conducted in 1996, Two formulations, i.e Cyfluthrin 10 WP was used for indoor residual spraying in East Adonara and Cyfluthrin 50 EW was used for bednets impregnation in West Adonara. Both formulation were applied at a target dosage of 0,050 g acti…
Mosquito is one of househol insect which could sparays some. Many species of mosquitoes but only 22 species which reported as a vector, such as Aedes aegypti. An. Aconitus, An maculatus. An balabacensis, An barbirostris, An sundaicus, Mansonia uniformis. Mansonis dives, Culex quinguefasciatus. Eventhough we have many ways to control mosquitoes but there is still a problem in our country. To so…