Rat is an animal living around people. It is a risk factor for several types of zoonotic diseases. The aims of this study were to determine the rat species from various habitats including houses, gardens, rice fields, and traditional market from a district in Central Java province and to identify endoparasites that infected the liver, stomach, intestine and caecum of these rats. The rats wer…
Rodents (Order Rodentia) is a wild animal from mammals class and are known as nuisance animals in human life, especially domestic rats. Domestic rats have habitats close to human life such as housing, fields and markets. The market is a place where there are lots of food. The purpose of this research was describing the distribution of rat species habitat based on the type of commodity marke…
Malaria is still a health problem in Banjarnegara District. Efforts to prevent and control malaria requires basic information on vector surveillance data, including the species, and breeding place. This study obtain a suspected vector information, focus on Anopheles in Lemahjaya, where is an increase of malaria cases. Data collected by entomological survey and survey of malaria mosquito bree…
Air merupakan komponen penting dalam kehidupan, semua jenis makhluk hidup memerlukan air untuk kelangsungan hidupnya. Untuk kepentingan manusia, air tidak saja digunakan untuk minum, masak dan cuci, tetapi juga untuk keperluan agrikultur, industri, transportasi, perikanan dan pembuangan limbah cair domestik dan industri. Dalam bidang kesehatan, beberapa jenis penyakit melibatkan media air dal…