ABSTRACT Hemorrhagic stroke is a disease that frequently found, including in Indonesia. The best asset of imaging modalities is CT Scan multi slice (MSCT Scan), with this device that helps maintain the diagnosis of brain and determine the bleeding. Bleed the measurement accuracy is necessary to determine the proper medical exam. Bleeding can see brain volumes to measurement by the computer s…
Anesthesia procedure in the prone position was often necessary in order to facilitate access to a variety of surgical operations, including neurosurgery among others, the spine surgery. In addition to physiological changes, some complications can also occur in the prone position that should receive special attention, so it requires a good understanding of this issue. Case: Laminectomy was bein…
Background and Objective: Intraventricular and intracerebral haemorrhage is an acute condition that can occurs spontaneously due to hypertension or rupture of aneurism, and also can be occurs as a result from brain damage caused by trauma. Management in this acute condition can be done by either giving particular drugs or through surgical procedures. The aim of surgical procedure is to reduce a…
Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is the extravasations of blood into the brain parenchyma, whicli may develop into ventricular and subarachnoid space, there was spontaneous and not caused by trauma (non¬traumatic), and one of the most common cause in patients treated in the neurological critical care unit. ICH represents perhaps 10-15% of all strokes with the highest mortality rates of stroke su…
Intra cerebral haemorrhage (ICH) burdens approximately 20 in 100,000 people every year. The typical hemorrhagic stroke patient is ten years younger than the ischemic stroke patient. Most ICH bleeds are subcortical and over 50% of spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhages occur in the basal ganglia. Populations at greatest risk include men, the elderly and African American, and Asian. Stroke is one …
Introduction: Hemorrhagic stroke is common medical problem in elderly, and contribute to high mortality rate. Graniotomy is standard brain surgery to evacuate blood elot to decrease intracranial pressure and complication of the disease. Methods: Design of this study is retrospective study using medical record of patient with diagnosed of hemorrhagic stroke using mechanical ventilation since J…
Risk Faktor Asociated With Pospartum Hemorrhage, Incidence of post partum hemorrhage caused 28% maternal mortality and causes of maternal mortality is higheast in Indonesia Similarly, in the province of Lampung post partum hemorrhage caused 36% maternal mortality. The number of deliveries in hospital Pomegranate Room. Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Lampung Province in October 2010 recorded 11 cases of of…
Tujuan penelitian ini adalh di ketahuinya pengaruh faktor resiko terhadap pendarahan ibu postpartum di Rumah Sakit Syarifah Ambani Rato Ebu Bangkalan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian analitik observasional dengan desain non reactive di mana data yang di pakai adalah data sekunder dari Rekam Medis Rumah Sakit, sedangkan data premier di perolehb dengan melakukan kunjungan ke rumah sakit pasien. …
Background: Hemophilia is a hereditary bleeding disorder that can increase the risk of disease in oralcavity. Sometimes hemophilia is not always established already in a patient. The lack of awareness of hemophilia presence can cause serious problem. Purpose: The purpose of this review is to explain about dental bleeding manifestation and management in hemophilic patient. Reviews: Hemophilia ca…