Risk Faktor Asociated With Pospartum Hemorrhage, Incidence of post partum hemorrhage caused 28% maternal mortality and causes of maternal mortality is higheast in Indonesia Similarly, in the province of Lampung post partum hemorrhage caused 36% maternal mortality. The number of deliveries in hospital Pomegranate Room. Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Lampung Province in October 2010 recorded 11 cases of of…
The Relation of Malaria Infection, Worm and Iron Tablet Consumption Towards Pregnant Mother Anemia Incident. One of the main cause of nutrition for pregnant mother is Anemia. The impact of Anemia can causes abortus, low birth weight babies, hemorrhage and death. Anemia cause factors are malaria infection, worma, tuberculosis, malnutrition with less of iron in blodd. The Purpose of this study is…