ABSTRACT Thallassemia is a hemathology disorder and chronic disease. The numbers of thalassemia in Indonesia has been increased every year about 2500 patients. The objective of this research is to describe factors related to quality of life of school age children with thalassemia. It used Cross Sectional study design, which aimed to get description of relationship between independent and depen…
Tujuan penelitian ini adalh di ketahuinya pengaruh faktor resiko terhadap pendarahan ibu postpartum di Rumah Sakit Syarifah Ambani Rato Ebu Bangkalan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian analitik observasional dengan desain non reactive di mana data yang di pakai adalah data sekunder dari Rekam Medis Rumah Sakit, sedangkan data premier di perolehb dengan melakukan kunjungan ke rumah sakit pasien. …
Gene of eNOS 3 allel -786T>C is one of the important genes which is related to the high prevalence of hypertension. Polymorphism of this gene decreases nitric oxide synthase (NOS) enzyme synthesis result in reduction of nitric oxide (NO). Nitric oxide causes vasodilatation, which decreases peripheral resistant and blood pressure. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of an antioxi…
Perilaku kekerasan pada pasien gangguan jiwa yang tidak ditangani secra efektif dapat berakibat fatal bagi klien maupun orang lain disekitarnya. Intervensi keperawatan yang tepat sangat efektif mencegah dan mengurangi dampak perilaku kekerasan yang ditimbulkan oleh pasien. Upaya tersebut dilakukan dengan assertive training. Assertive training merupakan upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk pencegaha…
Abstract: Synthesis of I ,S-bis(3' -etoxy-4' -hydroxyphenyl)-I ,4-pentadiene-3-on (EHP) by aldol condensation method from ethyl vanilin and acetone, using hydrochloride acid as a catalyst, has been conducted. Identification of the EHP compound was done through interpretation of UV- Vis, FT-IR, GC-MS and NMR data. The antioxidant activity of EHP (ICso 8.66 ug/ml.) is higher than curcumin (ICso 1…