In the implementation Perkesmas. Nurseis one of the leading health professionals at the forefrontin the health sectorplays an important rolein achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).Fact, the performance of nurses in perkesmas a ctivities in health centers throughout Indonesia average
Background: Chitosan is biomaterial improved for various dentistry applications because it is biocompatible. degradable. non¬toxic, and not carcinogenic. The main parameter affecting the characteristics of chitosan is deacetylation degree. Purpose: This study is aimed to determine the degree of deacetvlated of chitosan derivedfrom white shrimp shell waste used as dental biomaterial. Methods:…
Background: A Q-switched Nd:YAG laser was employed as a source of ablation. The fundamental wavelength of the laser is 1064 nm, with pulse duration of 8 nanosecond operates with uniphase mode of TEM00. In the following experiments, dentin samples (without caries and plaque) are exposed to pulse laser with Q-switching effect at various energy dose. Purpose: The aim of this study was to investiga…
Perilaku kekerasan pada pasien gangguan jiwa yang tidak ditangani secra efektif dapat berakibat fatal bagi klien maupun orang lain disekitarnya. Intervensi keperawatan yang tepat sangat efektif mencegah dan mengurangi dampak perilaku kekerasan yang ditimbulkan oleh pasien. Upaya tersebut dilakukan dengan assertive training. Assertive training merupakan upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk pencegaha…
Penyakit ginjal kronik didefinisikan berdasarkan ada atau tidaknya kerusakan ginjal dan tingkat fungsi individu dengan gagal ginjal kronik, tingkatannya ditentukn dengan tingkat GFR, yaitu esmakin parah tingkatannya maka bilai GFR semakin rendah. Dari sudut pandang klinis gagal ginjal masalah utama dan senus, dimana terjadi retensi substansi nitrogen, seperti urea dan creatinin yang merupakan t…
A biomaterial used oral cavity should not become toxic, irritant, carcinogenic, and allergenic. Chitoson represents a new biomaterial in dentistry. To examine the toxicity of chitosan from tiger prawn shell waste on cell culture with MTT assay. Chitosan with concentration of 0.25%, 0,5%, 0.75% and 1% was used in this experiment Each sample was immersed on eppendor microtubes containing media c…
Tonue as the taste sense is very important for the human life. Tongue function a presented by taste bud. Sensitivity on the tongue of one of them is influenced by smoking habits. When smoked cigarettes, nicotine that contain in the cigarettes are condensated will be stick to the teeth, tongue, pelatum, gingiva, taste bud and sense of taste reseptor membrane around the taste pore and inhibit the…
Image or perception and food quality of food served at hospital can be improved by food managing system on the food serving. Perception of patient to food served would influence the food consumption. The objectives of the study were to observe the nutrient level served, consumption level, and the perception of the food served at AZRA Hospital, Bogor, West Java. Result of the study showed that l…