Diabetes is a major public health concern with high mortality. Snoring is an independent risk factor for the development of type 2 diabetes, preceded by insulin resistance. Obesity is predisposition factor that lead snoring. Snoring during sleep could be followed by apneic or nonapneic phase. A very significant difference in soundintensity was noted between apneic and nonapneic patient. The aim…
Penyakit ginjal kronik didefinisikan berdasarkan ada atau tidaknya kerusakan ginjal dan tingkat fungsi individu dengan gagal ginjal kronik, tingkatannya ditentukn dengan tingkat GFR, yaitu esmakin parah tingkatannya maka bilai GFR semakin rendah. Dari sudut pandang klinis gagal ginjal masalah utama dan senus, dimana terjadi retensi substansi nitrogen, seperti urea dan creatinin yang merupakan t…
Toothbrushing is a daily activity for every people, minimum two times a day Most them use toothpaste to brush their. Most of toothpaste contain Sodium Lauryl Sulphate as a detergent for making foam. Sodium Lauryl Sulphate has benefit for toothbrushing effectively because of this its ability to splubilize fats and oils, lower the surface tension of aqeueous solutions or form microemultion. But i…