ABSTRACT Physical exercise is important in preventing and adjunctive therapy certain diseases. However. over physical exercise for beginners may cause oxidative stress and muscle injury leads to generate chemoattractants vvhic enables to attract neutrophil and monocyte towards the injury and stimulates leucocytes activation. The use of antioxidant-rich fruits to mitigate exercise in…
Dengue Fever (DF) and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) are part of the health problem in lndonesia. Case Fatality Rate (CFR) in Banjarbaru city were 1.9% (2006), 1.8% (2007), 0.00% (2008) and 5.11 % (2009) with Aedes aegypti as the vector. This study aimed to determine the effectivity of turmeric extract as Aedes aegypti larvasida in the communai housing to overcome the problems of DF and DHF cas…
This research is a descriptive study, which aims to describe the nurse's knowledge on the management of the client with a head injury, in ER Hospital Sidoarjo, the cross-sectional design. As the population of all nurses working in hospitals ER Sidoarjo with the target population of 30 people, all of them the subject of research. Research variables: knowledge of nurses on the management of the c…
Background: Lung is vital organ related to air environment outside body. Generally, hajj pilgrim has frequent respiratory problem when they stay during hajj session. The aim of the study is to know the relation between pulmonary function test and common respiratory sign. Methods: Analytic prospective study were done. The population in this study were hajj pilgrims registered in Padang in 2008…
Background: To assess oral health-related quality of life in Indonesian middle-aged and elderly women. Middle–aged women between 45-59 years old were included in this study, because this stage of life is important to prepare them entering the old age. Prevention could be done earlier in order to achieve optimum quality of life for the elderly. The purpose of writing this paper is to inform t…
Abses otak-salah satu komplikasi intrakranialotitis media supuratif kronis-merupakn kegawat-daruratan di bidang THT, yang berpotensi menjadi serius dan mengancam jiwa. Kejadiannya 25% dari seluruh komplikasi intrakranial. Angka kekambuhan 5-10%. Dilaporkan satu kasus abses otak otogenik berulang, setelah menjalankan 2 kali mestodektomi dan 2 kali operasi terhadap abses, pasien sembuh dengan baik.
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) still be public health problem that was quite serious in Indonesia. Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is caused by dengue virus and transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. The main breeding place of Ae. aegypti is the water container that does not relate directly to the ground, like a cistern, jars and other containers which contain of clean and clear water. Besid…