This research is a descriptive study, which aims to describe the nurse's knowledge on the management of the client with a head injury, in ER Hospital Sidoarjo, the cross-sectional design. As the population of all nurses working in hospitals ER Sidoarjo with the target population of 30 people, all of them the subject of research. Research variables: knowledge of nurses on the management of the c…
At the meaning associated with a velY varied culture, among others: filling, improving health and healing, prevent iIlness, expressing concem for others, strengthen social ties, the expression of thanks or appreciation, wealth or social status. The purpose of this study was to determine the meaning of eating according to Javanese culture in cancer patients in the city of Surabaya. The method us…
Keperawatan transkultural menunjukkan suatu upaya oleh perawat dari semua latar belakang budaya dan bidang klinis untuk bergabung dan mengidefinisikan konsep yang memudahkan mereka untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan yang dibutuhkan untuk memberikan perawatan yang sensitif secara budaya. penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptifeksploratif, yaitu untuk mengetahui pengetahuan pe…