Children toddler age is the age at which the child has begun to imitate the behavior of those around, so children need to be taught about the many positive things such as toilet training. Toilet training is an attempt to get children to control urination or urinating and defecating or BAB correctly and regularly. As the problem in this research is still finding children aged 1-3 years who like …
The problem in this study was the high rate of incidence hypertension in the health center Burneh Bangkalan the 120 cases, or about 12.2%. This study is a kind of experiment with True Experimental Design Pretest-posttest with control group, which aims to know the effect of relaxation techniques to decrease blood pressure dhikr in hypertensive clients. As the population in this study were all cl…
This study is a descriptive study that aims to know the level of anxiety in older adults living in the orphanage Sasana Tresna Werdha Hargo Dedali Surabaya. As the population of this research is the study of all elderly living in the orphanage in April to May of 2012 with the criteria of dementia and are seen not willing to be respondents to the target population of 20 people who all made the s…
This research is a descriptive study, which aims to describe the nurse's knowledge on the management of the client with a head injury, in ER Hospital Sidoarjo, the cross-sectional design. As the population of all nurses working in hospitals ER Sidoarjo with the target population of 30 people, all of them the subject of research. Research variables: knowledge of nurses on the management of the c…
Nursing is a professional services form an integral part of health care, based on the knowledge and skill of nursing, bio-psycho-shaped ministry comprehensive spiritual addressed to individuaIs, families and communities either sick or healthy that covers the entire process of human life. Nursing problem is severe brain injury patients is covering problem airway, breathing, circulation and disab…
This research was analytic research by experimental deSign, aimed to identify effect of game therapy on reception response of pre school children in injection petformance in RSD Sidoarjo. Research population was all pre school children patients that visit RSD Sidoarjo for first time and would take injection, while the sampie is part of the population, selected by simple random sampling includin…
This research is descriptive aimed to identify myocardial infarction client characteristics including: age, gender; education and employment in cardiology ward of Regional General Hospital Dr H ABdoel Moeloek, Lampung Province. Population of research was all clients treeted in cardiology ward of 14 clients, all were usea as research subject. Research variable was client knowledge about mobiliza…
Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian analitik, dengan desain cross sectionasl, yang bertujuan diketahuinya hubungan antara pengetahuan ibu tentang imunisasi dengan perilaku ibu mengimunisasikan balitanya berusia diatas 9 bulan. sebagai populasi pada penelitian ini adalah semua ibu yang mempunyai balita yang susianya di atas 9 bulan di wilayah posyandu desa dempo timur dan desa dempo barat …
Keperawatan transkultural menunjukkan suatu upaya oleh perawat dari semua latar belakang budaya dan bidang klinis untuk bergabung dan mengidefinisikan konsep yang memudahkan mereka untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan yang dibutuhkan untuk memberikan perawatan yang sensitif secara budaya. penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptifeksploratif, yaitu untuk mengetahui pengetahuan pe…