Decrease of lymphocyte apoptosis is one Factor that leads to chronic airway inflammation in allergic asthma.Previous studies revealed the role of interleukin (IL)-4 in preventing lymphocyte apoptosis, however there are few studies about the role of lymphocyte-Bax and its relationship with IL- 4 in asthma. The aim of the study is to demonstrate IL-4 role in preventing lymphocyte apoptosis via ly…
Penyakit ginjal kronik didefinisikan berdasarkan ada atau tidaknya kerusakan ginjal dan tingkat fungsi individu dengan gagal ginjal kronik, tingkatannya ditentukn dengan tingkat GFR, yaitu esmakin parah tingkatannya maka bilai GFR semakin rendah. Dari sudut pandang klinis gagal ginjal masalah utama dan senus, dimana terjadi retensi substansi nitrogen, seperti urea dan creatinin yang merupakan t…
Two kinds of endophytic fungi i.e. Calletotricum sp. PWD2 and Caelomycetes PWA1 isolated from pandan wangi (Pandanus amarylifollus) have been cultivated in a liquid medium, GYP for 3 weeks at room temperature without agitation. The ethyl acetate extracts derived from liquid cultures showed antifungal activity against Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The GC-MS analysis results showed methyleugenol as m…