Jambi Province is one of the endemic areas of filariasis. Chronic filariasis cases found in almost all the districts. The number of reported chronic filariasis cases in Jambi in 2011 as many as 343 cases. The cases spread over 9 of 11 districts. The chronic cases mostly were found in Muaro Jambi (149 cases) which spread in almost all sub-districts, in 4 sub-districts in 7 public health cente…
Lymphatic filariasis (LF) is an infectious disease transmitted by mosquitoes that carries parasitic filarial worms. One of the efforts made at the national and global levels in the filariasis elimination program is the mass drug administration (MDA). This study aims to determine practice towards lymphatic filariasis and mass drug administration among population at Pemayung Subdistrict of Batang…
Penularan penyakit tular vektor seperti malaria dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor. Salah satu faktor yang telah diketahui memiliki asosiasi dengan malaria adalah topograf wilayah yang erat hubungannya dengan pola penularan. Berdasarkan tempat atau lokasi terhadap penyakit yang ditularkan oleh vektor maka perlu diperhatikan pembagian zoogeografi dimana jenis-jenis nyamuk di setiap lokasi akan dipen…
Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan (OKUS) merupakan salah satu daerah endemis malaria di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan dengan Annual Malaria Incidence (AMI) yang mengalami perubahan fluktuatif, dimana pada tahun 2007 sebesar 6,50/00 meningkat menjadi 8,700/00 di tahun 2008. Desa Tebat Gabus merupakan salah satu daerah endemis malaria di Kabupaten OKUS dengan AMI 2011 sebesar 231,890/00. Program pemberantasa…
Lymphatic filariasis is still become the health problem in Indonesia, the disease almost found in the entire area with fairly high level endemicity. Karya Makmur Village, Madang Suku III District, East Ogan Komering Ulu Regency, South Surnatera Province in 2007 has micofilariae rate of 1,05% based from blood survey. The aims of the research is to identify vector and the breeding habitat. This r…
Health services is a basic human right that must be carried out of the country. The Government should implement the principles of good governance in carrying out public services including health services. This analysis tried to show the accessibility of health facilities in Kepulauan Babel (Bangka-Belitung) province using secondary data from "Riskesdas 2007" research. Data from Riskesdas 2007 w…