ABSTRACT The processed liquid waste from hospitals, prior to be safely discharged into water bodies, has to fulfill several requirements. One of these is phosphate concentration of the waste water must below 3 mg/l. The exceeding phosphate level, in long term can affect human health and the en¬vironment. Since it was known that the phosphate concentration at the outlet of the hospital's WWT…
The use of chemical pesticide in order to control pest problems in crops which is related with people's demand is unavoidable. However, inappropriate use of pesticide willlead to bad impact on human health and the environment. The study was aimed to know the relationship between pesticide related attitude and practice of totiecco farmers in Kelurahan Pleret Kecamatan Bantul and pesticide concen…
WHO declared tuberculosis (TB) as global emergency. In 2004, TB cases in lndonesia was estimated as much as 539.000 with 140.000 death every year. Based on the evaluation of the implementation of TB controlling program, in Yogyakarta City in 2011, two of national indicators had been achieved, i.e. Case Detection Rate and Error Rate. Meanwhile, several factors were suspected as the cause of the …
The Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) at Sewon Bantul, produces sludge as the by-pro-duct. The sludge is usually dried in the sludge drying bed and onlyasmall part of it is used as fertilizer. Each year the sludge can be yielded as much as 3300 m3 and may have negative im-pact i.e. supporting the existence of disease insect vector and other annoying animals. One effort for utilizing the sludge…
Activities at Timbul Roso Restaurant generate not only useful product but also causing negative impacts such as liquid waste which is potential to harm people’s health and pollute the environment if it is not adequately processed. The preliminary survey results on the liquid waste revealed that the BOD and TSS concentration were 538 mg/l and 470.50 mg/l respectively, or had not yet fulfi…