ABSTRACT Decayed and rotten fruits still contain amylum (carbohydrate) and glucose (sugar) which can be converted into ethanol by fermentation process which is followed by distillation. The ethanol furthermore can be used as antiseptic and ingredient for hand washing and hand cleansing. To know the ability of the ethanol in reducing hand swab microbe number, an experiment which was employing…
Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious and chronic disease. This disease stillleads to high morbidity and mortality rate in many countries including lndonesia. WHO's report in 2011, stated that Indonesia is the fourth largest country contributing to TB cases in the world. In many developing countries, children aged below 15 years with TB are 15 % of all TB cases. In Kabupaten Wonosobo, the number of…
The Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) at Sewon Bantul, produces sludge as the by-pro-duct. The sludge is usually dried in the sludge drying bed and onlyasmall part of it is used as fertilizer. Each year the sludge can be yielded as much as 3300 m3 and may have negative im-pact i.e. supporting the existence of disease insect vector and other annoying animals. One effort for utilizing the sludge…