ABSTRACT The processed liquid waste from hospitals, prior to be safely discharged into water bodies, has to fulfill several requirements. One of these is phosphate concentration of the waste water must below 3 mg/l. The exceeding phosphate level, in long term can affect human health and the en¬vironment. Since it was known that the phosphate concentration at the outlet of the hospital's WWT…
ABSTRACT Water which are used for drinking have to fulfill some requirements, both qualitatively and quanti¬tatively. One of the qualitative requirements is the water must have tolerable iron and mangane¬se concentration, as well as the turbidity. To gain the high quality of drinking water, support from appropriate technology is frequently required. Solar distillator, a technology used t…
ABSTRACT Flood hit frequently in many places in Indonesia. One of the main causal factors is the lack of rainwater and wastewater absorption areas as the impact of land surface which are blocked by buildings and roads. On the other side, there is a problem about the decrease of groundwater deposit. Both problems may give disadvantage for people' health, environment and worsen the economi…
WHO declared tuberculosis (TB) as global emergency. In 2004, TB cases in lndonesia was estimated as much as 539.000 with 140.000 death every year. Based on the evaluation of the implementation of TB controlling program, in Yogyakarta City in 2011, two of national indicators had been achieved, i.e. Case Detection Rate and Error Rate. Meanwhile, several factors were suspected as the cause of the …
Wet noodle is a food product with high water level which can reach 52 %. Eventhough, formaline is a harmful chemical which is prohibited for food, nonetheless it is often used for preserving ingredient in wet noodle production. Chitosan is a by-product of shrimp and crab processing which can be utilized as a substitution of formaline. The study was aimed to understand whether the preserving tim…
Air pollution in Indonesia is estimated 70% comes from exhauster emission of motor vehicles, of which gasoline contributes for 70% carbon monoxide (CO). One of efforts for controlling exhauster emission is by modifying the exhauster system itself. In this study the modification is conducted by adding cigarette filter as gas adsorbent. The objectives of the study was to determine the effect of a…