Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan (OKUS) merupakan salah satu daerah endemis malaria di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan dengan Annual Malaria Incidence (AMI) yang mengalami perubahan fluktuatif, dimana pada tahun 2007 sebesar 6,50/00 meningkat menjadi 8,700/00 di tahun 2008. Desa Tebat Gabus merupakan salah satu daerah endemis malaria di Kabupaten OKUS dengan AMI 2011 sebesar 231,890/00. Program pemberantasa…
Malaria remains a constant problem in coastal area of East Lombok and at a time brings an outbreak. It raises concern on what would be the underlying factors cause the constant burden of malaria. Among many factors, the great number of asymptomatic cases might plays a role in this problem. The number of asymptomatic malaria tends to get higher among residence of endemic area. The rate of asymp…
An Efficacy assessment of insecticides impregnated bed nets PermaNet “Vestegard Fransen” effectiveness was conducted in some villages of the malaria endemic areas around the Bukit Manoreh (Magelang, Purworejo and Kulonprogo Regency). The nsectiside impregnated bed nets PermaNet “vestegarted-Frandsen” were distributed on May 2003 and to be evaluated on February 2004. The efficacy assessm…