Kebugaran fisik mewakili salah satu faktor untuk menentuan kondisi kesehatan. Kebugaran fisik terdiri dari lima komponen yaitu: morfologi ketahanan otot, motorik, kardiorespirasi, dan komponen metabolisme. Kardiorespirasi adalah komponen terpenting. Seseorang dengan berat badan lebih atau gemuk memiliki resiko tinggi menderita penyakit kardiovaskuler, sehingga diasumsikan bahwa seseorang denga…
The problem of nutrition are both of less and over diet. There are caused unbalance of eating pattern. Women of child bearing age with hyperhyroidism will decreased their body weight even though their appetite still good. The data of healthy Ministry at 2007 shown that 30 million of 118 million women of child bearing age are suffer less chronic energy. The result of Riskesdas at 2007 shown tha…
Of the nerve entrapment syndromes the most well-know is the carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) involving the median nerve. In the field of accupational medine this condition its categorized as an occupational disease, for which industrial workers may clain compensation if the CTS accurs as a consequence of their job. Hewever, although sveral accupational risk factors have been suggeted as causing the…
Obesity in may countries is a major public health problem. The health problems associated with in increase in the proportion of elderly in the population are further compunded by the increasing prevalence of obesity and overwight in older people . The aimed of this study was to explore any difference of quality of life (QOL)attributable body mass index (BMI) categories using the WHOQL-BREF inst…