(TNI) is a new branch of sciene that has Psychoneuroimmunology evolved in the last 40 years to study the relationship between psycho, immunity, the endocrine system, centrsl and peripheral nervous systems. PNI could be related to skin diseases like stopic dermatitis, psoriasis vulgaris, urticaria, and acne vulgaris. Than skin diseases like atopic dermatitis vulgaris, urticaria, and acne vulgari…
Sexually transmitted diseases known as venereal disease is a public health problem. PMS is the highest rate of infection caused by gonorrhea. Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection by Neisseria gonorrhoeae. It aims identified the prostitutes are infected with gonorrhea and their characteristics. It's a descriptive type of survey conducted in prostitutes in the former Ex Pembatuan prostit…
Penyakit alergi okuli adalah penyakit alergi pada konjungtiva atau kulit kelopak mata, berhubungan dengan reaksi inflamasi karena menempelnya immunoglobulin E (IgE) di sel mast. Penatalaksanaan penyakit alergi okuli meliputi meminimalkan kontak dengan alergen dan pemberian obat-obatan (antihistamin, stabilisator sel mast (sodium cromoglycate, pemirolast potassium, lodoxamide, nedocromil sodium…
During 5 years period (1988-1992) 24.535 children were hospitalized at the pediatric wards of the Soetomo Hospital Surabaya where 1,076 (4.39 percent) of them suffered from . There were 597 (55.48 percent) boys and 479 (44.52 percent) girls, where the age ranged from 6 months to 15 years old. The spectrum of the disease was urinary tract infection (54.09 percent) nephrotic syndrome (18.68 perce…
Abstract Objective: To determine the association between periodontal disease on pregnancy and the incidence of preterm labor.Method: This was a cross sectional study. We enrolled sixty subjects, which then divided into two groups. One group comparised of thirty pregnant women preterm delivery and thirty women with preterm pregnancy. Subjects were chosen by consecutive sampling method. The subje…