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In order to reduce waterborne diseases, the current government and its partners are developing a household water treatment and safety storage (HWTS). This article is part of a study on Development of An Evidenci-Based Guidelines for Promotion of HWTS which is conducted in three pilot sites: Bandung city, Bandung district (West Java) and Sikka district (East Nusa Tenggara) in 2008. The aim of th…
Forests burning is one of the major sources of air pollution in the countryside that extends into urban areas. Respiratory tract disease is the biggest number of disease in developing countries. One of the factors of the occurrence of upper respiratory tract disease because of poor air quality. The research objective is to determine the impact of forest fires on public health, especially upper …
Death reporting is base of mortality rate calculation. The mortality rate is importance indicator and should be decreased in the well-being develop plan. To find a good death reporting, local goverment in Indonesia were developing registration systems for some region in Indonesia. Surakarta City and Pekalongan District have been developing registration with repairing cause of death report, this…
Tuberculosis in Indonesia still ranted third largest in the world after India and China with approx 539,000 new cases and the number of deaths around 101.000/year. Knowledge factors of pulmonary is a very important factor in the transmission of Tuberculosis. To know the aspects of knowledge, attitude and behavior of people in connection with pulmonary TB disease has been studied in Tangerang Re…
Tsunami in District of Ciamis had brought about the damage of some infrastructures and 19.130 housings, and caused 368 fatalities in the area. There was 30,300 refugees scattered in 21 points of refugee camps. If the tsunami aftermath does not rapidly mitigate will result in public health problem. In line with the effort of dealing with the problem, it had been performed a rapid survey on the c…