Backgorund: Quality of adolescence strongly influence the future of a nation. Knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) of adolsence on KADARZI, especially on the importance of body weight monitoring and consuming varieties foods will influence current and future health and nutritional status as well. Objectives of the study: To describe adolescence's KAP on KADARZI, especially on the importan…
Riset Kesehatan Dasar telah dilakukan di Indonesia (RISKESDAS 2007). Riset telah mengumpulkan data-data yang terdiri dari data kesehatan yang menggambarkan status gizi anak di bawah lima (antrophometri data) di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Kenyataanya masih sedikit analisis dengan menggunakan metode GIS, oleh karena itu artikel ini akan dikaji dengan metode spasial. Kajian ini diharapkan dapat me…
Over-nutrition could leads health problems in the elderly which requires control efforts. Knowing the risk factors of over-nutrition is necessary to overcome the over-nutrition related health problems. This study aimed to identify the determinant factors of over-nutrition in the elderly. The study used a cross-sectional study as a part of Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2010. The subjects…
Clinical management for children with developmental disorder, including laser puncture, medical treatment, nutrition, psychological counseling, or physiotherapy, had been instigate by BP2GAKI. There was no previous research on evaluating the long term outcome of children growth and development who had completed the clinical management in BP2GAKI. Objectives of this study are to investigated the…
Background: Performance of health care is one important factor in health care quality improvement efforts of the population. Health services is a factor directly related to the incidence of infectious diseases (morbidity). Causes of malnutrition caused by direct addition of food consumption is also unbalanced because of the influence infectious diseases (morbidity). Objectives: Studying the uti…
Factors that greatly affect the nutritional status is nutrition parenting children through food, which will respond to and practiced by caregivers differently in each culture. Issues that were examined in this study is the extent to which contributions will form a cultural system that supports parenting nutritional status of children better nutrition in vulnerable environments in the Village Pe…
The border region is a regional / geographic region associated with neighboring countries, with people living in this region united by ties of socio-economic and socio-cultural scope of a particular administrative region after an agreement between states that border. Community health status can be known of the status or disease morbidity, mortality or death status of the population or the nutri…
Household consumption is one of factors that play impotant role in creating a healthy family. Balanced diet be it in amount or variation is highly needed because there is no food that consist of-nor do they have entugh amount-every nutrition that are needed by body. To get used to consume foods that contain balanced diet is one of the ways to overcome double nutrition problems, be it malnutriti…