Dengan terbitnya buku ini diharapkan dapat membantu terutama bagi kita semua untuk memahami betapa pentingnya peran surveilans itu sendiri. Selanjutnya setelah kita memahami diharapkan kita memiiliki komitmen yang tinggi untuk berupaya mengimplementasikan dalam program Penanggulangan GAKI. Harapan lain dengan terbitnya buku ini adalah dapat menginspirasi terutama bagi pengambil kebijakan dalam …
Buku ini bertujuan memberikan kontribusi informasi perkembangan manajemen data kuantitatif dan kualitatif di bidang penelitian. Ilmu manajemen data statistik mempunyai peran penting bagi peneliti. untuk mendukung pembuktian hipotesis yang diajukan dan penarikan kesimpulan, sehingga dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara ilmiah. Pembahasan dalam buku ini disajikan secara sederhana dan komprehensif. …
Clinical management for children with developmental disorder, including laser puncture, medical treatment, nutrition, psychological counseling, or physiotherapy, had been instigate by BP2GAKI. There was no previous research on evaluating the long term outcome of children growth and development who had completed the clinical management in BP2GAKI. Objectives of this study are to investigated the…
iodine is an essential component for synthesis of tyroid hormone. in the areas of iodine deficiency iodine intake was also obtained from providing iodine capsules and fortification of salt. salt is recomended 30-80ppm. from the median of urine iodine excretion that get from survey 2003 showed there are low iodine intake but also there are low iodine intake but also there risk for the occurence…
Background: Iodine is the essential component for synthesis of tyroid. In the area of dificiency iodium the iodine intake was also obtained from high doses of iodine capsules and iodized salt. While in the area of non-iodine deficiency, iodine source may be more complex, considering a more varied diet and a lot of drugs containing iodine. The Wayne index used to estimate the suspect of hyperthy…