Skin to epidural space distance varies in an insertion of epidural needie which can greatly affect the identification of the epidural space and epidural anesthesia complications. Therefore, a careful prediction of skin to epidural space distance is needed in doing insertions. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and the distance of skin to the…
Background: Obesity can create various health problems, one of which is hypertension. Many studies show a relationship between obesity and hypertension, however few reports on Indonesia. This paper assessed the risk of obesity based on body mass index (BMI) and abdominal circumference against the prehypertension in Indonesia. Methods: For this analysis we used data from a cross sectional of …
Premenstrual syndrome is a group of physical and psychological symptoms which occurs before the time of menstruation. In general, the female premenstrual syndrome prevalence is about 90%, whereas 3-5% of them experienced disturbance symptoms in the daily life. One of the premenstrual syndrome's risk factors is the body mass index. The purpose of this study was to know the relationship between t…
Exercise training can improve blood pressure in normotensive, prehypertensive, and hypertensive subjects, One of the mechanisms of blood pressure reduction in hypertensive patients with obesity is through weight loss, This study aimed to examine the effect of exercise training on bodyweight and the relationship between weight loss and reduction of blood pressure. An experimental pre-post test d…
Abstract: This study aims to analyze the relationship between BMI, LILA, and Hb value with the ad¬equacy of breastfeeding in the village Karangkedawang Kec. Sooko Kab. Mojokeno. Free variables that are examined nutrition status of mothers breastfeeding measure Body Mass Index, arm circumfer¬ence above and Hb level. While the dependent variable examined is the adequacy of breastfeeding. The ad…
Hipertensi gestasional (HG) merupakan sebuah penyakit yang komplex, yang menyebabkan angka mortalitas yang tinggi pada ibu hamil di negara sedang berkembang dan negara belum berkembang. Interaksi antar gen ke gen dan interaksi gen dengan lingkungan memainkan peranan penting dalam patogenesis terjadinya hipertensi esensial (HE), dan mungkin juga pad a HG. Mengingat terbatasnya penelitian yang di…
Kebugaran fisik mewakili salah satu faktor untuk menentuan kondisi kesehatan. Kebugaran fisik terdiri dari lima komponen yaitu: morfologi ketahanan otot, motorik, kardiorespirasi, dan komponen metabolisme. Kardiorespirasi adalah komponen terpenting. Seseorang dengan berat badan lebih atau gemuk memiliki resiko tinggi menderita penyakit kardiovaskuler, sehingga diasumsikan bahwa seseorang denga…
The problem of nutrition are both of less and over diet. There are caused unbalance of eating pattern. Women of child bearing age with hyperhyroidism will decreased their body weight even though their appetite still good. The data of healthy Ministry at 2007 shown that 30 million of 118 million women of child bearing age are suffer less chronic energy. The result of Riskesdas at 2007 shown tha…