A wast majorityof women develop climateric syndrome. Based on a preliminary study in RT 11 RW o2 Kedinding Tengah Kelurahan Tanah Kali Kedinsing, 70% of 10 respondents have develop climacteric syndrome and 60% of them lack of information on the syndrome. Information is one of the total attitude drivers (Notoatmodjo, 2003). Therefore, the writer conducted a study entitied “ A Relationship betw…
Pregnancy is a natural phenomenon happening to women, however, it can influence the mother’s and her embryo’s health condition, mainly in its first trimester. Pregnant women of the first trimester are generally feeling nauseous, vomiting being lack of appetite and getting exhausted. Productive aged women are very risky to be infected by HIV. From their age profile, there is a tendency that …
Prune belly syndrome (PBS) is a congenital anomaly syndrome characterized by triad of abdominal musculature deficiency and malous development of the urinary tract and bilateral cryptorchidsm. The syndrome seems to be sporadic affecting predominantly boys Etiopathophysio logy of PBS remains unknown but may be caused by primary mesodermal development defect. PBS can be defect. PBS can be detecte…
To find out correlation between plasma adiponectin levels, insulin resistance and IDF criteria of Mets Patients levels, insulin resistance and IDF criteria of Mets Patients. A case-control study was conducted on Native Javanese people from June 2006 to Januari 2007 in Outpatients Clinic of Dr. Sardjito Hospital. The case group involved patients aged between 20 to 55 years old. The diagnosis of …
Sidiposis menghasilkan dan mensekresi beberapa protein yang berperan sebagai hormon. Hormon yang sikenal sebagai adiponektin, berperan penting dalam proses radang, dan oterosklerotik. Adiponektin merupakan salah satu dari banyak faktor spesifik jaringan adposa. Adiponektin berperan memperbaiki sensitivitas insulin dan menghambat peradangn vaskular. Kadar adiponektin di dalam plasma secara 2. Ad…
Diabetes is a major public health concern with high mortality. Snoring is an independent risk factor for the development of type 2 diabetes, preceded by insulin resistance. Obesity is predisposition factor that lead snoring. Snoring during sleep could be followed by apneic or nonapneic phase. A very significant difference in soundintensity was noted between apneic and nonapneic patient. The aim…
Wrista as a most or moving part of the body have been overused even victimised by vibratin tools. The goal of this study is to find out the difference of impuls conduction velocity and ampitude between of sensory fibers of right Medianus nerve with the left Medicinus nerve from Carpal Tunnel Syndromes (CTS) patients at Polyclinic of Neurophysiology RSHS Bandung. A descriptive analysis was condu…