Salah satu intervensi yang dilakukan untuk mencegah terjadinya anemia defisiensi besi pada ibu hamil adalah melalui pemberian tablet tambah darah (tablet besi-folat) selama kehamilan. Tujuan memberikan gambaran persepsi ibu hamil dan nifas (42 hari setelah melahirkan) tentang anemia dan pemberian tablet tambah darah selama kehamilan di Kabupaten Lebak dan Purwakarta. Data dalam penulisan…
ABSTRACT: After the birth process is over, a mother will undergo a process of physical and mental recovery. During the process of vaginal delivery and up to several day after maternal postpartum blood loss that is reduced in circulating erythrocytes. Training exercise help postnatal physiological processes and affect the performance of muck cells, heart, lungs, blood vessels and respiratory s…
ABSTRACT: Post panum care Is critical but often overlooked. Risk often occur during the first week post partum, so that the recovery of health is very important. Supportive and educative role of the nurse is needed to allow the patient to perform self care. The purpose from "Orem" toward the increase of postnatalmaternal self reliance Inself care during the early post parturm. This was a…
ABSTRACT The Program to prevent vitamin A deficiency in Indonesia includes the administration of vitamin A for post part= mothers by giving a high dose of vitamin A (@200,000 international standard). However, midwives sometimes do not evaluate and follow up the program implantation to make sure that all postpartum women receive the capsule. This study was aimed at evaluating the midwives' atti…
Background: A mother’s postpartum depression may have long-term impacts on a child’s growth and development. This analysis aimed to identify several risk factors related to postpartum depression. Methods:The data analyzed originated from a cross-sectional Basic Health Survey (Riskesdas) 2010 of Indonesia which provided specific information on the health Millennium Development Goals (MDG)…
Background: Postpartum blues is a mild mental disorder in postpartum mothers. infant feeding methods may affect the reciprocal of the postpartum blues or postpartum maternal mental health, and these symptoms can lead to successful breast-feeders (breast milk) exclusively Results in 2010 in lndonesia RISKESDES feeding patterns in infants < 1 month was 55.1% partially, and in the province of Beng…
Background: Postpartum depression phenomenon was a women health problem and indicate an increased, especially in primiparous mother. Early studied in dr. Margono Soekarjo Hospital, found 4 from 10 primiparous mother detected postpartum depression. Postpartum depression was a negative effect upon mother, spouse and her chiid. Long time effect to postpartum depression is severe depression, marita…
Risk Faktor Asociated With Pospartum Hemorrhage, Incidence of post partum hemorrhage caused 28% maternal mortality and causes of maternal mortality is higheast in Indonesia Similarly, in the province of Lampung post partum hemorrhage caused 36% maternal mortality. The number of deliveries in hospital Pomegranate Room. Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Lampung Province in October 2010 recorded 11 cases of of…
Tujuan penelitian ini adalh di ketahuinya pengaruh faktor resiko terhadap pendarahan ibu postpartum di Rumah Sakit Syarifah Ambani Rato Ebu Bangkalan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian analitik observasional dengan desain non reactive di mana data yang di pakai adalah data sekunder dari Rekam Medis Rumah Sakit, sedangkan data premier di perolehb dengan melakukan kunjungan ke rumah sakit pasien. …
Background: Rehabilitative the mother and baby health becomes priority to health development at Indonesian. The rehabilitative implementation was concern to physical health and psychological. The psychological problem of mothers postpartum primipara there are the postpartum blues evidence which becomes a factor indirectly contribute to mother health. The research result before the postpartum bl…