Potensi Antioksidan Berbagai Sediaan Buah Sirsak (Anonna muricata Linn)
Soursop is a potential source of antioxidant due to high vitamin C and poliphenol content. Antioxidant activity of three different preparations i.e. fruit juice, 96% ethanol extract, and ethyl acetate extract. The antiocdidant were measured by using 1.1-diphenyl-2 pycrihidrazyl (DPPH) radical solution. In addition, vitamin C and polyphenol content of each preparation were also measured. Polyphenol content as measured in gram Gallic Acid Equivalent (GAE)/100 g). Showed the fruit juice, 96% ethanol extract and ethyl acetate extract were 0,473, 0,324, and 0,194, respectively. Vitamin C content (mg/100 g) of these three preparations were 36.24, 30.56, and 35.66, respectively. The antioxidant activities (ppm) determined by IC50 showed fruit juice, 96% ethanol extract and ethyl acetate extract were 282.61 ppm, 660.08 and 480.26, respectively. There was strong correlation between vitamin C content and antioxidant activity, and between polyphenol content and antioxidant activities. In conclusion, the use of fruit juice as antioxidant source was better than ethyl acetate and ethanol 96% extract.
Keywords: antioxidant activity, soursop (Annona muricata Linn), poliphenol, vitamin C
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