Background: Lung is vital organ related to air environment outside body. Generally, hajj pilgrim has frequent respiratory problem when they stay during hajj session. The aim of the study is to know the relation between pulmonary function test and common respiratory sign. Methods: Analytic prospective study were done. The population in this study were hajj pilgrims registered in Padang in 2008…
Background Hyperbilirubinemia is one of the mosi cornmon problems in newborns and the phototherapv is the mas! widespread treatment for lowerinq bilirubin concentration in newborns. The phototherapy ;Nith near distance could increase the effectiveness of phctotherapy . Objective : To compare the effectivenass of phototherapy with 40 cm and 60 cm distance toward bilirubin's lowering concentrat…
Background: Postpartum depression phenomenon was a women health problem and indicate an increased, especially in primiparous mother. Early studied in dr. Margono Soekarjo Hospital, found 4 from 10 primiparous mother detected postpartum depression. Postpartum depression was a negative effect upon mother, spouse and her chiid. Long time effect to postpartum depression is severe depression, marita…
Background: Chitosan is biomaterial improved for various dentistry applications because it is biocompatible. degradable. non¬toxic, and not carcinogenic. The main parameter affecting the characteristics of chitosan is deacetylation degree. Purpose: This study is aimed to determine the degree of deacetvlated of chitosan derivedfrom white shrimp shell waste used as dental biomaterial. Methods:…
Nowadays, one of the modalities in performing reperfusion in coronary artery disease is percutaneous coronary intervention. Before drug eluting stent era, the problem that occurs the most among interventional cardiologists is restenosis. After drug eluting stent era, restenosis can be reduced significantly. Unfortunately, it further develops another problem, that is called stent thrombosis. Me…
Breast cancer may progress from an atypical lesion. Angiogenesis has an important role in the growth, invasion and metastasis of breast cancer, which can be reflected through the microvascular density (MVD). Tumor associated macrophages (TAMs) are stromal cells that can produce pro-angiogenic factor su ch as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and induce matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9…
This research was experiment research using Group Random Design or GRD consist of 1 control group and 1 treatment group each of them consisting of 5 replications. Population of research was Aedes Aegypti mosquito. While the sampie was part of the population selected by simple random sampling by assumption that the mosquito is homogenous, with sampie size on every treatment was 30 mosquito and …
Background and Objective: APCD syndrome is one of the most serious diseases ajJecting nfants. It leads to a high mortality rate and permanent neurological sequelae among the survivors when related with SDH There are reports about high prevalence of using herb-liquor extracts and diet restriction among mothers of infants with the APCD syndrome. Vitamin K2MK4 levels in breast milk obtained from m…
Management of an emergency patients has a particular challenge for an anesthesiologist. The risk of pulmonary aspiration from gastric content is very high in emergency cases. The incidence of gastric aspiration in emergency cases is approximately 0.7-4% which could lead to death. Gastrointestinal dysfunction frequently occurs in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI). More than 50% patien…