Heart functions to pump the blood in the body. This process is controlled by cardiac muscle supplied by coronary. The disorders in this vessel involve obstruction and dilation that are called coronary artery disease (CAD). The new development in computedtomography scanning of the heart with CAD is a 64 slice CT (MSCT). Cardiac CT exmination is supported by electrocardiography (ECC gating). Imag…
Carbamazepine (CBZ) is an anticonvulsant widely used for epilepsy treatment.. However, it is difficult to establish suitable dosage regimens for this drug because of the variation on its pharmacokinetics profiles. A lot of evidences indicate that ethnic differences may affect pharmacokinetics and hence dosage requirements. The study was conducted to document pharmacokinetic profile of CBZ and i…
Penyakit Paru Obstruksi Kronis (PPOK) adalah suatu penyakit dengan karakteristik pembatasan aliran udara di saluran napas yang tidak sepenuhnya reversibel, progresif, dan berhubungan dengan inflarnasi abnormal terhadap gas dan partikel berbahaya. Diagnosis PPOK dapat ditegakkan menggunakan pemeriksaan spirometri dan foto thorax postero-anterior (PA), tetapi kesepakatan antara dua diagnosis penu…
Twenty eight newborn mice (Mus musculus) consist of 14 males and 14 females have been treated with benzo(a) pyrene (BP) which were dissolved in dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) solution. The lung tumour induction has been done by intraperitoneally injection of the solution at the first day of age using doses of 0.2 umol BO/0.025 cc DMSO, 8th day of age using doses of 0.4 umol BP/0.025 cc DMSO, and 15th…