Aim: to obtain profile of food and nutrien intake in Indonesian elderly population and factors associated with energy intake. Methods: multi-center cross sectional study in 13 hospitals across Indonesia conducted among 387 elderly who had attended geriatric clinics. Data collected including demographic characteristics, fungtional status, cognitive status, mental status, nutrional status, food…
Aim: to obtain factors that are associated with insulin resistance in Indonesian elderly. Methods: across sectional study was conducted at the Geriatric Outpatient Clinic of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hopital in 172 elderly patients. Data on subject characteristics (age and sex), body mass index, total body fat, peripheral subcutaneous fat, trunk subcutaneous fat, waist circumference, carbohydrate andf…
Wrinkles is caused by a decreased by a decrease in collagen synthesis an incease in collagen degradation. Collagen synthesis depends on fibroblast proliferation. Collagen synthesis needs glucose, so that collagen synthesis may be expressed by the increase in glucose uptake. Skin rejuvenation with heating may increase the collagen synthesis. The effect of short-term heating and optimal temperatu…
process Dengue shock syndrome (DSS) is the most severe from of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) and has a high mortality. There are two major pathological changes in DHF determine the severity of sisease, plasma leakage and bleeding. Cytokines release during the immune responase in dengue virus have been throught to be mediators of the. The study involed 50 children with DSS of whom 13 (26%) died…
Berbagai penelitian menunjukan bahwa defisiensi vitamin D dan hiperpara-tiroidisme sekunder menimbulkan dampak serius pada kesehatan, antara lain meliputi osteoporosis, osteomalasia, kelemahan otot, jatuh dan fraktur osteoporotic. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) mengetaui pengaruh pajanan UVB sinar matahari pada konsentrasi 25 (OH) D dan hormone pararoid (PTH) perempuan usia lanjut Indonesia …