Nyamuk Aedes aegypti adalah salah satu jenis serangga yang merupakan vector penularan penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue (DHF). Oleh karena itu poulasi nyamuk ini harus dikendalikan sebagai mana mestinya. Salah satu cara atau metoda pengendaliannya adalah dengan memanfaatkan organism hidup seperti Ikan pemakan larva (jentik) nyamuk yaitu ikan Laga (betta splendens regan) dan ikan Guppy (Poecillia r…
The invention of RNA interference (RNAi) machinery as a gene expression silencer may revoulutionize the approach to infectious diseases treatment. A long-standing problem such as viral resistance to chemotherapeutic agents due to the high rate of mutation seen in HIV-1 may soon be overcome by the application of RNAi as a nucleic-acid based immune system. The RNAi uses dsRNAs converted into mult…
Vitamin D has an essential role in calcium-phosphorus metabolism and regulation of parathyroid hompne ()TH), thus maintaining bone integrity through mineralization and inhibit degenerative process (osteoporosis) and fractures. Various trials and observational studies demonstrate vitamin D effect in reducing cancer risk, infectious and autoimmune diseases, and cardiovascular disease. However, de…
n vitro studies reveal that LMP 1 induces the expression of many factors for invasion and metastasis. The aims of this study were to investigate role of LMP 1 expression on the status of N and M that take place either direcly of sequentially through its relation with the expression IL4, IL6, IL10, IFN-gamma, Granzyme B and with protease MMP2, MMP9, either in the serum or in the tumour tissue. F…
Fetus in fetu is a from of monozygotic diamniotic twin pregnancy where the parasitic twin installs and grows in the body of its partner. It is a rare condition, with a reported incidence of 1 in 500.000 live births. The majority of these cases occur in children younger than 18 months with the chief complaint of an intraabdominal mass,and have a 2:1 male predominance. The size and weight of the …
Ulcer healing process is an intricate and active process including reconstruction process of mucosa through formation of granulation tissue. Granulation tissue formation takes place by means of formation of ulcer base, formation of blood vessel (angiogenesis) and re-establishment of glandular architecture. The process of granulation tissue formation on the ulcer base takes place 48-72 hours aft…
Decrease of lymphocyte apoptosis is one Factor that leads to chronic airway inflammation in allergic asthma.Previous studies revealed the role of interleukin (IL)-4 in preventing lymphocyte apoptosis, however there are few studies about the role of lymphocyte-Bax and its relationship with IL- 4 in asthma. The aim of the study is to demonstrate IL-4 role in preventing lymphocyte apoptosis via ly…