ABSTRACT Total Fertility Rate ( TFR ) in Indonesia is 2.3 children per woman. Government pressed the population growth with family planning programs that is the long-term contraceptive method ( LTM ) i.e IUD, implant, MOP/MOW. Phenomenon that occur in the community that decision-makers to use family planning is husband including the selection of contraceptive research. This research is aimed t…
The active constituents of the volatile black seed oil (Nigella sativa),ymoquinone, was found to be hepatoprotective against ethanol induced hepatotoxicity via its antioxidant mechanism and anti-inflammatory features. This research was aimed to reveal whether ethanol influence on the plasma ALT and AST level, whether black seed oil influence on the plasma ALT and AST level of hepatotoxic (ethan…
Available datas on metabolic syndrome among Indonesian executives arelimited, despite the fact of the importance of these data for cardiovaskularprevention. The objective of this study was to assess prevalence ofmetabolic syndrome and its associations between anthropometric measures,lipid profiles, blood pressure, nutrient intakes, and life style inexecutive group. A cross sectional study was u…
Tuberculosis (TB) is the single most infectious disease, kllling millions of people globally. Conventional modalities for Tb detection many times the disease is diagnosed at delayed stage and can not use for deep seated infection. Therefore, research and development of 99mtTc-ethambutol to detect and locate TB at an early stage in any anatomical site have been conducted and locate BATAM Bandung…