Available datas on metabolic syndrome among Indonesian executives arelimited, despite the fact of the importance of these data for cardiovaskularprevention. The objective of this study was to assess prevalence ofmetabolic syndrome and its associations between anthropometric measures,lipid profiles, blood pressure, nutrient intakes, and life style inexecutive group. A cross sectional study was u…
As premature birth and low birth weight are the main cause of neonatal mortality,kangaroo mother care is now suggested to care premature infants.The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of kangaroo mother careon physiological response of preterm infants. A quasi experiment designwith one group pre and post test design was conducted in two hospitals inJakarta. Sixteen preterm infants…
A study is to know the efficiency and effectiveness of the new family planninginformation system that has been socialized since 2007. To comparewith the previous information system, this study was conducted in fourprovinces i.e., DKI Jakarta, Lampung, Central Kalimatan, and Bali. In eachprovince two districts were randomly selected, and from each selected districttwo health centers were then ra…
This research aimed to find out the performance of vilage midwife and its determinant factors. The performance od midwifery service within the Jaminan Pemeliharaan Kesehatan Miskin (JPKMM) program was measured by the coverage of antenatal care and coverage of trained birth attendance. The design of this study is cross sectional and data was analyzd using univariate, and multivariate logistic. T…
Cakupan pelayanan kebidanan program Jaminan Pelayanan Kesehatan Masyarakat Miskin (JPKMM) di Kabupaten Aceh Selatan tahun 2006 yang belum mencapai target mengindikasikan kinerja bidan di desa dalam pelayanan kebidanan program JPKMM masih rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kinerja bidan desa dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan. Kinerja bidan desa diukur dengan melihat cakupan pelayanan k…
Breastfeeding can decrease risk of infant death. But, it is not clear yet the effect of breastfeeding duration to the infant survival after controlled for the other determinant factors. This research is aimed to know the effect of duration of breastfeeding to infant survival in Indonesia after controlled for mother, infant, and environment factors. Data was analyzed by using multiple cox regre…