Rats harm to human life, both in terms of economics and health. Rats transmitted disease, ectoparasites and endoparasites. Many potential sites where rat found in high enough quantities, one of those sites is a traditional market. The purpose of this study was to know the presence of rats and fleas in the market town Banjarnegara, Banjarnegara District. This research is a descriptive study …
Central Java malaria case's decreases, either from number of cases or wide of region. Data from Central Java Province Health Office showed at 2012 malaria cases in Banjarnegara District residing in rangking two after Purworejo District with Annual Paracyte Incidence (API) as much 0.68 ‰ while Purworejo District as much 0.78 ‰. Until 2012 Banjarmangu Sub district, Kendaga Village is High Cas…
Muridae Famili that live in Java includes 10 genera and 22 species. Muridae Famili that often found in human residents are Rattus norvegicus ("riul" rats), Rattus tanezumi (asian house mouse) and Mus muscu/us ("piti" mouse). Nematode (roundworm) is rodents parasiticon. Some species of these worms can also infest humans (zoonosis). This study conducted in 2010 aims to determine the type of paras…
Malaria is still a health problem in Banjarnegara District. Efforts to prevent and control malaria requires basic information on vector surveillance data, including the species, and breeding place. This study obtain a suspected vector information, focus on Anopheles in Lemahjaya, where is an increase of malaria cases. Data collected by entomological survey and survey of malaria mosquito bree…
Pinjal (ordo Siphonaptera) serangga sangat penting dalam bidang kesehatan karena kemampuannya menularkan berbagai jenis penyakit. Beberapa hasil penelitian tentang pinjal ini menggambarkan keaneragaman pinjal di Indonesia dan tidak menutup kemungkinan spesies yang akan ditemukan bertambah karena masih luasnya daerah dan sedikitnya tenaga yang mendalami bidang ini. Beberapa spesies pinja…
Various vector control efforts have been done but dengue hemorrhagic fever still tends to increase. Lethal Ovitrap (LO) was modification from ovitrap where in lethal ovitrap installed ovistrip contain insecticide. The aim of this research was to determine efficacy Cypermethrin and determine the residual effect with lethal ovitrap method on Ae. aegypti at laboratory. This research was laboratory…