The result of Basic Health Research in 2007 shown that lung tuberculosis cases spread out all over Indonesia. Meanwhile, the 2010 Basic Health Research shown the prevalence of lung TB was 725 per 100,000 populations. Side effects are among the causes of therapy drop out thus resulted in bacterial resistance which further caused the severity of TB. This research aimed to explore the informat…
The Vaccines is a biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease.immunization program will effectively work only if the vaccines were distributed equally and the quality is highly maintained. Some questions need to be answered by the availability of accurate data, such asvaccine inventory management systems and cold chain. It is because vaccine has a limited period and re…
ABSTRACT Background: The escalation of HIV-AIDS epidemic needs a comprehensive control efforts including the treatment stage. ARV is inevitably needed to control the development of HIV-AIDS infection. The availability and accessibility of ARV is crucial to reach the successful treatment Objective: To identify the implementation of logistic management process in the central l…
ISPA (Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut) adalah (Acute Respiratory Infection) salah satu penyakit utama pada anak. Pada umumnya perilaku pencarian pengobatan untuk ISPA berakhir dengan penggunaan obat. Efikasi obat tidak hanya merupakan pengetahuan medis tetapi merupakan konstruksi budaya. Penelitian dilakukan untuk memahami bagaimana obat diinterpretasikan oleh orang awam di wilayah kumuh perkot…
Background: A study to analyze data of Basic Health Research 2010 (Riskesdas 2010) was done to describe the profile of household using self-made herbal medicines and to identify the characteristics of household members that related to use of self-made herbal medicines. Methods: The sampel was individuals aged fifteen years old or more and who use self-made herbal medicine i.e. 177,927 people fr…
Pos Kesehatan Desa (poskesdes) is a form of village community effort to make primary health care closer. Poskesdes is expected to become a development center and a coordinate various community effort. such as pos pelayanan terpadu (posyandu) and warung obat desa (WOD). The objective of this study is to develop indicator and assess to the activity of existing WOD. as well as supporting factors a…