Epidemi HIV secara global memasuki kondisi kritis. Peningkatan jumlah kasus HIV-AIDS di Indonesia berdampak pada kebutuhan layanan Perawatan, Dukungan dan Pengobatan (PDP). Meski jumlah layanan dan cakupan PDP meningkat tajam namun secara umum layanan PDP masih menghadapi berbagai masalah. Mengevaluasi pelaksanaan layanan perawatan, dukungan dan pengobatan HIV-AIDS di Jawa Barat dan Papua. …
The result of Basic Health Research in 2007 shown that lung tuberculosis cases spread out all over Indonesia. Meanwhile, the 2010 Basic Health Research shown the prevalence of lung TB was 725 per 100,000 populations. Side effects are among the causes of therapy drop out thus resulted in bacterial resistance which further caused the severity of TB. This research aimed to explore the informat…
The Vaccines is a biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease.immunization program will effectively work only if the vaccines were distributed equally and the quality is highly maintained. Some questions need to be answered by the availability of accurate data, such asvaccine inventory management systems and cold chain. It is because vaccine has a limited period and re…
Pharmaceutical care is patient oriented pharmacy practice that required other healthcare to optimize drug therapy. In the management of diabetes mellitus indicators was established as a target in pharmaceutical care. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate pharmaceutical care program, in order to optimize clinical result and quality of life of the patient diabetes mellitus, and to identify…
ABSTRACT Tuberculosis (TB) has become a main infectious disease that causes high mortality rate in many developing countries such as Indonesia. The government has been applying the DOTS (Directly Observed Treatment Shortcourse) strategy in order to overcome TB. The anti TB drugs which have been used in Indonesia are FDC (fixed dose combination) anti TB, combipack anti TB, and separated anti TB…
ABSTRACT Pharmaceutical care (PC) is patient oriented, in the practice pharmacist collaborated with personal health care to improve clinical result and quality of life patient. Old patient is in the high risk condition to suffer drug related problem (DRP) because organ Mee, multiple disease and drug prescription. The fore evaluating PC to identify, to prevent and to soive DRP for old patient i…
ABSTRACT Pharmacoepidemiolgy apply epidemiology technique to study usage and the effect of drug in large population. Phatmacoepidemiology serves data to evaluate risk and benefit of drug in specific population. The research can use health care data base either medical or administrative database. Data sources in Indonesia for pharmacoepidemiology study are insurance company which collecting cla…