ABSTRACT Background: The escalation of HIV-AIDS epidemic needs a comprehensive control efforts including the treatment stage. ARV is inevitably needed to control the development of HIV-AIDS infection. The availability and accessibility of ARV is crucial to reach the successful treatment Objective: To identify the implementation of logistic management process in the central l…
Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) is a prevention strategy and gateway to treatment and case management services, support, and treatment for people with: HIV/AIDS, so that the smooth service and the availability and adequacy of existing infrastructure in the VCT Clinic becomes important to be met. This type of research was explanatory research with cross sectional approach. Quantitative d…
Background: Neonatal mortality is the death of an infant who is born alive within 7 days after birth (early neonatal mortality/perinatal), and the death of a baby born alive more than 7 days until approximately 29 days (advanced neonatal mortality). Neonatal deaths (infants aged 28 days) is two thirds of infant mortality, whereas early neonatal mortality/perinatal (infant age of 7) days is two …