ABSTRACT. The used of chemicals as larvicidal may causing resistance, health problem, and environment problem. Leaf extracts of Citrus as biolarvicidal against Aedes aegypti larvae can be used as an alternative larvicidal. The aims of this study is to find out the species olCitrus in the study sample, which is the most effective as biolarvicidal. This study was conducted using nes…
About 90% of labor are accommpained with pain. Pain and fear will give rise to stresses which may induce bad impacts on foetus, occurrence of hypoxia among babies and cause longer labor time. There is a non pharmacological technique called relaxtion technique which was save and may reduce labor pain. However it was rarely practiced. The study almed for analysing the diffeence of labor pain amon…
Posyandu is one of the community-based health services (Upaya Kesehat Bersumber Daya Masyarakat, UKBM). Health cadres play Important roles in Posyandu activites. However only 40% of the posyandu are functioning wel, and only 30% of posyandu cades are property trained. This observation was intended to reveal cadres level of motivation as well as their participation in the management of posyandu.…
Postpartum bleeding is the important cause in maternal death case, especially in developing countries. Bleeding which cause rapid lost of blood occurred due to atonia, where there is no soft uterus contraction. One effort to overcome atonia utery bleeding is by performing uterus massage, but if the bleeding cannot be stopped, bimanual internal compression should be initiated. The aim of this re…
A condition where red blood cell count is less than normal is called anemia. Anemic condition among pregnant mothers will induce impacts as shown by maternal morbidity and mortality figures, increase of infant morbidity and mortality rates, as well as increase the risk for occurrence of low Birth Weight infants (LBWI). Anemic conditions should be managed in accordance with the various causal fa…
Until now, most of diagnosis requires detection of bacteria that ianosis TB. The TST was, until recently, the only test avilable for dcaused TB. If the bacteria are not found, we ned different tool to diagnosis of TB infection, but this test has limitation. Whole blod interferon gamma assay with ELISA have led to promising alernative.. Diagnostic test was perform to compare the accuration of bl…