Nursing is a professional services form an integral part of health care, based on the knowledge and skill of nursing, bio-psycho-shaped ministry comprehensive spiritual addressed to individuaIs, families and communities either sick or healthy that covers the entire process of human life. Nursing problem is severe brain injury patients is covering problem airway, breathing, circulation and disab…
This research was analytic with cross sectional approach aimed to identify relationship between self concept and adolescent habit (student) to accomplish academic task. Population of research was all students of semester II in Nursing Department of Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, comprising student of Tuban D3 Nursing Department, Sutopo D3 Nursing Department, Soetomo D3 Nursing Department, and Sid…
The purpose of the research was to identify which factors inf!uencity delayed cervix cancer cases in examining to hospital. The research was observational with csse control design. Location of research was done in Poli Onkologi RSU Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. The subjects were pulled from population by probability sampling. Independent variables of this research were knowledge level, have a feeling o…
Kanker payudara merupakan penyakit terbesar kedua yang menjangkiti wanita di Indonesia setelah kanker serviks. Kanker payudara menjadi problem serius di dunia kesehatan karena para pasien mengunjungi dokter setelah kondisi memburuk. Sebaliknya ini bisadi deteksi dini dengan SADARI. Perilaku SADARI dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor :pengetahuan, sikap dan praktek SADARI. Riset ini bertujuan mengi…
penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik yang bertujuan diketahuinya pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan tentang manajemen stres terhadap penurunan tekanan darah pada klien hipertensi di poli jantung RSUD Kabupaten Bekasi. populasi penelitian: semua klien hipertensi dengan target populasi 33 orang. sampel penelitian: sebagian klien hipertensi dengan besar sampel 31 orang. variabel penelitian: pen…
Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian analitik, dengan desain cross sectional, yang bertujuan mempelajari hubungan beban kerja terhadap stress perawat di ruang perawatan intensif rumah sakit dr. Iskak Tulungagung. sebagai populasi adalah perawat yang bekerja di ruang perawatan intensif, sedangkan sampelnya adalah sebagian dari populasi tersebut, yakni sebanyak 28 orang perawat yang diambil …
PTCA is an action opening coronary arterial that experience clogging due to aterosclerosis by widening ballon residing in end of catheter or by placing stent on clogged coronary arterial.
This study is a cross sectional analytic design. The purpose of this research is known the relationship of the parenting with the habits of students in completing of academic tasks. Thepopulation is student of Nursing Department of Health Ministry of Health Polytechnic of 5urabaya, while the sample is selected by random sampling, are 70 students. The data be analyze by using statistical tests '…
The objective of the study is identification of adolescent knowledge about drug abuse. the study is descriptive, using cross sectional design. The population is the student of class XII at SMK Sultan Agung MOjokerto. The result show that nearly half of each class XII student of SMK Sultan Agung Mojokerto have an average level of knowledge, and good level in knowledge of drug abuse. The conclusi…
The success of change In organization signifiacantly Influenced by the readiness of the organization to change, especially its human resource as a crucial element in changing process. Attitude and reaction of staff to change in turn increases the effectivity of organization change Itself. Emotional Quotients-EQ potential upgrading the well-understanding on affective implication of changing poli…