According to Environmental Performance Index (EPI) Indonesia at the 134th ranking for 163 countries below the rangking of Sudan and Tanzania. EPI indicators tracked across ten policy categories covering both environmental public health in relation to water supply and sanitation and ecosystem vitality. Sanitation in human life include such as housing and public places sanitation. As a public pla…
Technology That Is Used On The State Of Disaster Emergency. Indonesia is a region prone to natural disasters. This technology can be modified with three different filter media such as sand, zeolite and activated charcoal and carried out in three stages of filtration with sand filters called triple up flow models.Water treatment research with sand filter model of triple up flow required to obtai…
The nutrition and health problem among women at reproductive age may worsen the quality of the pregnancy resulting in children with low human resource quality. by understanding the problem earlier, further the efforts can be implemented through "first 1000 days of life" program. this study aimed to identify risk factors of macro- and micro nutrient deficiency (anemia and chronic energy deficien…
Introduction: Diagnosing the etiology of pleural effusion is sometimes a challenging medical problem, and there is an urgent need to identify new fluid markers to differentiate malignant from non malignant pieuraI effusion. The aim of this study was to determine the characteristics of VEGF, glucose, LOH, and protein level in diagnosing of pIeurai effusion. Methods: Design ofthis study was obs…
Breast cancer may progress from an atypical lesion. Angiogenesis has an important role in the growth, invasion and metastasis of breast cancer, which can be reflected through the microvascular density (MVD). Tumor associated macrophages (TAMs) are stromal cells that can produce pro-angiogenic factor su ch as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and induce matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9…
Background and Objective: APCD syndrome is one of the most serious diseases ajJecting nfants. It leads to a high mortality rate and permanent neurological sequelae among the survivors when related with SDH There are reports about high prevalence of using herb-liquor extracts and diet restriction among mothers of infants with the APCD syndrome. Vitamin K2MK4 levels in breast milk obtained from m…
Intestinal infections with soil-transmitted helminths and protozoa are still prevalent in Indonesia, particularly in urban communities. Transmission of parasitic infections is effected directly or indirectly through objects contaminated with feces, including food, water, fingers and fingernails, indicating the importance of fecal-oral human-to-human transmission. Sidewalk food vendors (SFVs) p…
An Indonesia natural medicine capsule (jamu KKKS) containing Curcuma Domesticae Rhizoma Extract 45 mg. Marray Paniculata Folium Extract 72 mg, Acalypha indica Herba Extract 365 mg and Pepempria Pellucida Herba Extract 18 mg, on curativ dose twice two capsules daily, has been used as a traditional relieving pain (analgesic) on acute gouty attack, but the so far researches performed on the pharma…
Kanker payudara merupakan penyakit terbesar kedua yang menjangkiti wanita di Indonesia setelah kanker serviks. Kanker payudara menjadi problem serius di dunia kesehatan karena para pasien mengunjungi dokter setelah kondisi memburuk. Sebaliknya ini bisadi deteksi dini dengan SADARI. Perilaku SADARI dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor :pengetahuan, sikap dan praktek SADARI. Riset ini bertujuan mengi…