There are habits to reuse cooking oil that for main reason of cost saving. Reusing cooking oil might be problem for health.This research aimed to study the number of peroxide number, acid value, free fatty acid, and water content of light and dark brown reused cooking oil. The quality of oil were compared to The National Standard of Indonesia (SNI 01-3741-2002) Edible Oil Quality. Peroxide numb…
Introduction: Mycobacterium tuberculosis in human induce variety response involved protective immunity to clinical manifestation of tuberculosis. Oxidative mechanism to infection controlling not only happened in macrofag but in al/ liquid compartment of body. Methods: Aim of this study was to evaluate peroxidative index and advanced oxidation protein products (AOPPs) in saliva tuberculosis pa…
We have demonstrated previously the ability of leek in preventing rats liver against free radicals injuries generated by CCI4 intoxication. The liver lipid peroxide contents, which increased markedly in CCI4 intoxication, decreased to the concentration pratically identic to its normal values in rats pretreated with leek water extract and followed by CCI4 administration. This report describes th…