Rats harm to human life, both in terms of economics and health. Rats transmitted disease, ectoparasites and endoparasites. Many potential sites where rat found in high enough quantities, one of those sites is a traditional market. The purpose of this study was to know the presence of rats and fleas in the market town Banjarnegara, Banjarnegara District. This research is a descriptive study …
Pinjal (ordo Siphonaptera) serangga sangat penting dalam bidang kesehatan karena kemampuannya menularkan berbagai jenis penyakit. Beberapa hasil penelitian tentang pinjal ini menggambarkan keaneragaman pinjal di Indonesia dan tidak menutup kemungkinan spesies yang akan ditemukan bertambah karena masih luasnya daerah dan sedikitnya tenaga yang mendalami bidang ini. Beberapa spesies pinja…
On January 2005, an indirect contact method to test the susecptibility of flea in rat was conducted in the plague laboratory Nongkojajar Health Center, Pasuruan regency. This study was aimed to know the sppropriateness of a gadget to test the susceptibility of fleas in rats. The result show that the gadget can be used to examine the susceptibility of fleas on rats toward insecticide. Domestic f…
This paper presents a report on a case of dermatitis due to cat's flea bites which occurred in 4 employees. The patients were treated with topical and oral corticosteroid and antihistamine. Insecticide of the carbamate group was used to control the fleas. One week after treatment the lesion disappeared and no more fleas were detected in the room.