Hyperthyroidism may cause clinical symptoms and physiological changes in thyroid function, and interference in cognitive function, behavioral problems, and a change of feeling (mood) and anxiety. Anxiety is negative emotions, which is characterized by feeling worried and fear that is sometimes experienced in different levels. One method to overcome anxiety is by counseling. Counseling is a proc…
A research on Health Effect of Electromagnetic Fields to People Arround the Base Tranceiver Stations (BTSs) in Jakarta and Bandung was conducted to study the influence of BTS existence on the residents’ mental health condition. The research design was cross-sectional The number of sample was 655 people scattered in 10 BTSs. The data was collected through interviews using Mini International…
Aging is a natural process in which the elderly often experience phys ical and psychological deterioration, reduced income due to retirement and the loneliness caused by abandoned by a spouse.family or peers. These problems are caused anxiety for the elderly. When anxiety occurs constantly, it will have an impact on quality of life of elderly. Based on the various ways done to reduce the level …
This study is a descriptive study that aims to know the level of anxiety in older adults living in the orphanage Sasana Tresna Werdha Hargo Dedali Surabaya. As the population of this research is the study of all elderly living in the orphanage in April to May of 2012 with the criteria of dementia and are seen not willing to be respondents to the target population of 20 people who all made the s…
Background: Cancer is associated with devastating and distressing condition due to its dead ly impact. This leads to anxiety in patients after cancer diagnosis is confirmed. The study was aimed to analyze the association of age, knowledge, socio economy, education and sexto the level of anxiety in newly diagnosed cancer patient. Methods: The research use a cross-sectional approach which was c…
Background: As the world rates of breast cancer have increased, there has been a growing awareness of psychological effect of diagnosis and treatment and its role in the outcome of chronic disorders. Radiotherapy for breast cancer is an intense and cyclic treatment associated with number of side-effects. The sociodemographic factors of age, gender, marital status, education, immigrant status, i…
Dermatitis Atopic, a kind of chronic skin disease that happens a lot in the world, tend to be increased in number and relativelY difficult to treat. Most of them appear along with another atopic condition sucb as Hoy and asthma. The cause is not clearlY understood ),et. It's thought 10 be the combination of genetics and environment. Ma'!Y says that there's emotional jactor involved. It's not th…
To date the use of computers is widely distributed throughout the world and the associated ocuiarcomplaints are found iI175-90% of the population of computer users. Symptoms frequently reported by computer users were eyestrain, tired eyes, irritation, redness, blurred vision, diplopia, burning of the eyes, and asthenopia (visual fatigue of the eyes). A cross-sectional study was conducted to det…
Pandangan serta sikap setiap petugas kesehatan atau orang tua sangat penting untuk memahami tentang arti imunisasi, Kepercayaan dan perilaku kesehatan orang tua merupakan hal yang penting, karena kesehatan anak berkaitan erat dengan perilaku dan kepercayaan ibu dalam mengikuti program imunisasi. Akan tetapi, perdebatan yang terjadi akhir-akhir ini berkisar pada kemungkinan hubungan autisme deng…