Tumeric and galingale are kinds of spices that are often used in food processing as natural food additives. It is supposed that active compounds of tumeric (e.g. curcumoid) and galingale (e.g. caemferol) have abilities in inhibiting the growth of bacteria (anti-bacteria effect). The main aim of this rsearch is know the inhibiting effect of tumeric and galingale extracts ( solved by methanol 96%…
Temu kunci (Boesenbergia pandurata) rhizome showed cytotoxic effect against T47D breast cancer cell line. It contains Panduratin, a chalcone compund, that has been investigated as chemopreventive agent. The exploration of extract of temu kuci as chemopreventive agent was expected to be an alternative for cancer therapy. The aim of this research was to determine the cytotoxic activities of ethan…