Bacteria play an important role in the formation of plaque. Prevention of plaque accumulation is necessary in order to maintain oral health. One way tonprevent the accumulation of plaque by brushing teeth using toothpaste containing antibacterail. Herbs taht are antibacterial is a betel leaf and turmeric that contains essential oils. The purpose of this study is to obtain the volume mixture com…
Although many researhes had revealed the beneficial effect of Kayu Sugi as a cheawing stick, study on the effectivenessof its extract in toothpaste is still indequate. The objective of this study was to compare the effect of toothpaste, with and without Kayu Sugi extract on preventing plaque formation. The study consists of two sassions which was separated by three days washout period. The subj…
Toothbrushing is a daily activity for every people, minimum two times a day Most them use toothpaste to brush their. Most of toothpaste contain Sodium Lauryl Sulphate as a detergent for making foam. Sodium Lauryl Sulphate has benefit for toothbrushing effectively because of this its ability to splubilize fats and oils, lower the surface tension of aqeueous solutions or form microemultion. But i…