The number and type of pesticides used by households continues to increase. As it is intended to control pests, almost all pesticides are toxic. The use and improper storage can increase the risk of exposure and may ultimately lead to health hazards. The study aims to find out about the management of pesticide use in households. This study was conducted in four cities/districts…
Penyakit tanaman yang disebabkan oleh bakteri dapat menghambat produksi panen dan sangat sukar dikendalikan karena selain gejala-gejala penyakit yang nampak, bakteri dapat masuk ke dalam jaringan tanaman sehingga sulit untuk dibasmi hanya dengan memangkas jaringan yang terinfeksi atau pemberian pestisida pada permukaan tanaman. Pestisida antibiotika merupakan senyawa kimia yang sangat baik untu…
Background: Hypothyroidism in women at childbearing age (WCA) will cause reproduction disorder, i.e. infertility, spontaneous abortion, impaired growth and development of foetus, placental abruption, and preterm delivery. Pesticide exposure is suspected to cause hypothyroidism. The research objective is to prove that pesticide exposure is a risk factor for hypothyroidism among WCA in agricultur…