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The nutrition and health problem among women at reproductive age may worsen the quality of the pregnancy resulting in children with low human resource quality. by understanding the problem earlier, further the efforts can be implemented through "first 1000 days of life" program. this study aimed to identify risk factors of macro- and micro nutrient deficiency (anemia and chronic energy deficien…
Protein Energy Matnutrition (PEM) adalab keadaan kurang gi'{j yang disebaliean rmdabnya /eonslln/si metg; dan protein dol anI maiuman sebari-bari sehiflgga tidok mClllenuhi Anglea KeCllkupall GiZ; (AKG). Karma kurangtrya asupan protein )'Ong terns ber/a'!}uf, penderita PEM dapat menga/ami penunman teadar total protein darah. Tepung bekicot merupakan sa/ab satu sumber protein hewaniyang mengandu…