Aim: to assess the effect of breathing exercises on fatigue level of the patients with COPD. Methods: this quasi-experimental research was conducted on 60 COPD patients hospitalized at hospitals affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences. The subjects were randomized into “experience” and “control” groups. Data were gathered by interview and data registration from the files.…
Penyakit Paru Obstruksi Kronis (PPOK) adalah suatu penyakit dengan karakteristik pembatasan aliran udara di saluran napas yang tidak sepenuhnya reversibel, progresif, dan berhubungan dengan inflarnasi abnormal terhadap gas dan partikel berbahaya. Diagnosis PPOK dapat ditegakkan menggunakan pemeriksaan spirometri dan foto thorax postero-anterior (PA), tetapi kesepakatan antara dua diagnosis penu…
This study was undertaken to ivestigate microbiological pattern and the related antibiotic resistance of acute bacterial exacerbation of COPD in Persahabatan hospital. The relationship between sputum bacteriology and severity of COPD obstruction was also evaluated. The cross-sectional study, 87 sputum specimens was assesed with Gram’s smears by using Bartlett’s score criteria. A quantitati…
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterized by airflow limitation that is not fully reversible. An importance factor in exercise limitation is ventilator is ventilator disturbance because of airflow limitation and increase work of breathing in the diaphragm. Respiratory muscle dysfunction contribute to dyspnoea and the onset of hypercapnea. This reduction in peripheral and res…