Dentist's profession high risks to go through musculosceletal disorders covering the lower and upper parts of backbone, shoulders and wrists. From various researches being done, pravalens of musculosceletal disorders to dentists is high enough moving between 25-85%. The conditions may happen because of the dentists position while handling patiens is not in ergonomics positions. To reduce the ea…
Children will inherit the nation and therefore top priorities should be placed on maintaining their health conditions. Dental Health is part f the more comprehensive general health, and it should be taken care of as early as possible, especially to primary school students who are at the most vulnerable age of suffering from dental ailments. Dental Health Care Service was a program launched by …
Traumatic injuries to the oral mucosa in fised arthodontic patients are common, especially in the first week of bracket placement, and accasionally lead to the delevelopment of aphthhous stomatitis or ulcers. Nevertheles, these lesions are of self limiting. The objective of this ttudy is to reveal the concentration between chronic gingitivis and aphthous stomatitis which is still unclear. A…
Food supplementation for children with acyanotic congeital heart disease. Children with Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) have a high risk for growth faltering. The prevalence of undernutrion in children with acyanotic CHD on the Pediatrict Cardiology Clinic Dr. Kariadi Hospital Semarang is 80.4%. The purpose of the study is to define the benefit lf food supplement to children with acyanotic CHD t…
Kemajuan bidang kesehatan di Indonesia pada saat ini memberikan dampak positif pada taraf kesehatan masyarakat termasuk kesehatan anak. Keberhasilan para tenaga kesehatan menanggulangi penyakit yang diakibatkan oleh infeksi dan gangguan gizi menyebabkan perhatian utama kesehatan anak bergeser pada masalah genetic, termasuk di dalamnya adalah kelainan bawaan. Belum adanya keseragaman dalam melak…