Indicators of mother and chil survivalship generally has been accepted as an indicator of MM Ratio, U5MR including IMR. Those indicators are reflecting the health status as stated in the Healthy Indonesia 2010 and Millenium Development Goals (MDGs). The benefit of this survey is to support evidence based data as a basic policy to reduce MMRatio and U5MR. The objective of this survey was to iden…
The fourth target of Millenium Development Goals 2015 in Indonesia is to decrease infant mortality rate, and children under-five year old mortality rate from 34 per 1,000 LB and 44 per 1,000 births to 23 per 1,000 LB and 32 per 1,000 births respectively. The aim of this analysis is to know the trend of causes of death of infant and children under-five year old in the twelve years last period (1…
Neonatal health problem in Indonesia has not been handled optimally yet; the result of Indonesia Demography Health Survey 2007 showed that the Neonatal Mortality Rte in 5 years period did not decrease significantly, still in range of 19-20 per 1,000 LB. The MDG of reducing mortality among children under five by two-third in 2015 cannot be achieved without strengthening the neonatal program seri…
Statistik kematian sangat penting untuk memberikan informasi dasar tentang kesehatan masyarakat. Di Indonesia pencatatan dan pelaporan penyebab kematian masih merupakan masalah, disebabkan antara lain belum adanya standardisasi pelaporan kejadian kematian di rumah sakit (RS) dan di rumah. Pada tahun 2005, Badan Litbangkes berkolaborasi dengan WHO dan SPH, University of queensland mengembangkan …
International Indicator of healthy mother in a country is maternal mortality rate (MMR). In the year 2004, MMR of South Sumatra Province was 467 per 100,000 live births. That condition is lower than the target of Healthy south Sumatra 2008 and Healthy Indonesia 2010, that both MMR target are 175 each 100,000 live birth. Based on Blum paradigm behavior factor has strong influence on the communit…
Almost 16% from all of the total births in the developing countries are low birthweight babies. Low birthweight babies are an important contribution in neonatal mortality and morbidity worldwide, and contribute to almost 70% f the total neonatal deaths. Proportion of the low birthweight babies in the developing countries is 90% of the total low birthweight babies around the world, which is 20 m…
process Dengue shock syndrome (DSS) is the most severe from of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) and has a high mortality. There are two major pathological changes in DHF determine the severity of sisease, plasma leakage and bleeding. Cytokines release during the immune responase in dengue virus have been throught to be mediators of the. The study involed 50 children with DSS of whom 13 (26%) died…